Hospice Care

Hospice is a vital part of the continuum of care that is available to seriously ill patients and their families. Neither hastening nor postponing dying, Hospice strives to bring quality of life and comfort to patients. Just as doctors and midwives lend support and expertise during childbirth, Hospice provides teaching, care and knowledge during the dying process. An integral part of Hospice care is providing support to the family and caregivers as well.

Where We Provide Hospice Care

  • Home Services

    The most common setting for providing care is the patient’s home or the home of a relative. At a patient’s home, Hospice & Community Care is able to provide comprehensive teaching and management of physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of patients. The goal of care is to achieve the highest quality of life through relief of suffering and control of symptoms.

  • Wayne T. Patrick Hospice House

    Hospice & Community Care’s Wayne T. Patrick Hospice House is the area’s only free-standing inpatient hospice facility. The Patrick House provides hospice patients with expert care for pain control and symptom management, offers caregivers respite, and provides a place for patients who may need the safety and security of residential hospice care. The Patrick House does not replace any of our home-based hospice programs, but rather adds another facet to what we are able to offer patients in need of hospice care.

  • Care Facilities

    Hospice & Community Care has the privilege of partnering with several care facilities in our community to provide care to patients in facilities such as long term care facilities and assisted living facilities. Collaborating with facility staff, Hospice & Community Care’s comprehensive team of hospice experts provide the same level of care to patients and families in facilities as they do in private homes.

Your Medical Team

  • You and Your Caregivers

    You are the most important member of you care team. The services offered by your Hospice & Community Care team are based on your specific goals, your questions, and your concerns. Your care team respects your privacy, personal choices, cultural and religious customs, and family traditions.

  • Nurse / Case Manager

    Case Managers are registered nurses who are experts in pain control and managing physical symptoms that cause distress or interfere with patient comfort. Your case manager will regularly evaluate your physical symptoms and care needs. They can help with concerns or questions about managing your pain, other symptoms, how to use your medications, and the stages of your illness. Your nurse will also coordinate the care of your entire care team and will frequently talk with your doctor. A nurse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Providers

    Our provider team comprised of nurse practitioners and physicians play an essential role in the care of patients. Patients and their families can choose to have their physician follow them or use our board-certified Hospice physicians to develop and oversee the patient’s plan of care. Providers regularly communicate with the Hospice team to ensure the patient’s medical needs are taken care of during their time with Hospice.

  • Hospice Aide

    As you or your caregivers need additional assistance to meet your care needs, a Hospice Aide/Certified Nursing Assistant will become part of your Care team. They will compassionately and respectfully provide teaching and assistance with bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, nutrition, and skincare needs in collaboration with your nurse.

  • Social Workers

    Your social worker can help you identify your primary goals and concerns to help you strengthen your coping abilities in times of stress. Your social worker can provide emotional support as well as teach and help you navigate referrals and resources.

  • Bereavement Team

    Bereavement counselors support patients and families in tandem with our other grief support services. Leading people to learn coping skills and begin the journey to personal healing, bereavement support is in place for family members for the 13 months following a patient’s death in the form of mailings, phone calls, and personal visits.

  • Spiritual Care Providers

    Spiritual care providers offer non-denominational, non-judgmental spiritual guidance, and grief support when requested. Respectful of various faiths and traditions, they support patients of all belief systems. Spiritual care providers understand the mixed emotions surrounding death including sadness, opportunities for joy, family reconciliation, and life celebrations.

  • Volunteers

    Volunteers spend valuable time with patients and caregivers, bringing a special sensitivity to each family and situation. One of their most valuable roles is to sit and talk with patients, often forming strong lasting bonds with the families they serve.

Caregiver Satisfaction

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) measures hospice providers on care quality, and we exceed national averages in key areas.

  • Hospice & Community Care
  • SC Avg.
  • National Avg.
  • Hospice & Community Care
  • SC Avg.
  • National Avg.

Hospice & Community Care was honored to receive 2024 Hospice Honors. This designation is given to agencies with the highest caregiver reviews based on CMS data. We were the ONLY agency in our service area to receive this award in 2024!

Is Hospice Care the Right Choice?

Choosing hospice care is not easy, but when you decide it’s the right choice for your family, you give us the privilege to help you through your journey. Our goal is to help every patient live each day with love and dignity and as pain-free as possible. To help determine if hospice is right for you or a loved one, please complete the form so that we may contact you to start this conversation. You should also consult the patient’s physician to discuss the best options.