Bereavement & Grief Support Services
Weekly Grief Support Group
Facilitated by members of our bereavement team, this informal time is designed to offer an opportunity to share the highs and lows experienced by people who are grieving. Open to all who are able and ready to attend. Registration is not required.
Wednesdays 1-2 PM
Hospice & Community Care -
We offer themed grief workshops, educational events, and special series throughout the year such as “Spring into Healthy Grieving as a Family” or “Getting through the Holidays.” The upcoming workshops are listed in the calendar below.
Children's Services
Our campus features a Little Free Library filled with Children’s Grief Books and other resources available to anyone in our community. Additionally, we partner with Winthrop University Instructor Sarah Titman, MSW, and her Social Work students to offer age appropriate grief support opportunities and resources for children and teens and their caregivers.
Children's Gallery
Project HOPE art pieces are exhibited in the Children’s Gallery on our campus. The Gallery allows participants to see their creations in a public setting, in addition to raising community awareness of grieving children and teens. Children who are guided and supported through the grief process learn appropriate ways to express their emotions, and are better able to cope with loss now and throughout their lifetime.
Upcoming Events
Grief Support Group
Every Wednesday at 1 PM
Open to any one experiencing grief.
Caregiver Self-Care Workshop
April 9th
3:30 - 5:30 PM -
What to Expect When Grieving Workshop
April 16th
6-7:30 PM -
Six-Week Grow Through Grief Program
April 23rd - May 28th
6-7:30 PM -
Monthly Grief Support Check-in Group
2nd Monday of each month
beginning April 14th, 6-7 PM -
Zoom - Supporting Grieving Children & Teens
June 4th
6-7 PM
Grief Words
These thoughtful articles provide guidance and direction for anyone touched by grief.
Adult Resources
Someone you love has died. You are now faced with the difficult, but important, need to mourn. Mourning is the open expression of your thoughts and feelings regarding the death and the person who died. It is an essential part of healing. The following articles provide many practical suggestions to help you move toward healing in your unique grief journey
You Must Make Friends with the Darkness Before You Can Enter the Light
Love and Grief: In Communion and Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts
Healing Your Traumatized Heart: Seeking Safety, Understanding, and Peace Part 1
Healing Your Traumatized Heart: Seeking Safety, Understanding, and Peace Part 2
Dispelling the Misconceptions About Suicide and Grief and Mourning
A friend has experienced the death of someone loved. How can you help? The following articles provide many practical suggestions for helping others with grief:
The days following the death of a loved one can be filled with sadness and confusion. The following articles can help you understand the importance of the rituals surrounding death.
Children & Teen Resources
Children and teenagers have special needs following the death of a friend or family member. The following articles provide wonderful insight in helping children and teens understand and express their grief.
Bereavement Support
Bereavement Newsletter
Mary Lou Downing
Bereavement Volunteer
Bereavement services support families 13 months following the passing of a loved one. Our volunteers and staff will reach out with phone calls and send quarterly newsletters. Below are copies of our last four editions of our Bereavement Newsletter.
Bereavement Team
Jenifer Crawford
Director of Community Engagement
Lee Ann Livingston
Spiritual Care Provider
Frank Grobusky
Veterans Coordinator
Bobbie Harrison
Bereavement Volunteer